Bible Study This week “Let the light of God in look to the cross and we shall be saved.”

by on March 19, 2012

We learned more about the old testament God and the snakes in the Old Testament Numbers 21 :4

The snakes were sent to kill people for being sinful. They were killed with snakes. Now they went to Moses and asked him to intervene with God He did so. God said here take a snake and and put it on a poll. All the people have to do is look at it and they will be healed.

Then we read the book of John and talked about how Nicodemus had questioned Jesus about being born again. In a literal sense, Jesus answers  him with talking about the Holy Spirit and questioning his authority as a Pharisee and teacher should you not know these things? He talks about only having to look up at Him Jesus and being able to be healed in the new covenant with God through Jesus Christ. This is also where John 3-16 takes place “For God So loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life.”


We ended the night seeing how Paul wrote to the Ephesians and spoke about being Made Alive in Christ one of the most powerful explanations of being saved through Grace through Jesus Christ. The Good News and another great night with friends and family.


The theme of the stories tonight was to keep your eye on the prize. Just like the Israelites did thousands of years ago with the snake symbol. We no longer have to get bit by a snake, we just have to look to the Cross to not die in sin. Let the light of God Shine on your life and look to the cross and we shall be saved.

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Cristine September 22, 2014 at 7:38 am

I\’m not easily imspsered. . . but that\’s impressing me! 🙂


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